The roots of Morinda citrifolia (akar Menglkudu in Indonesian), is used widely by traditional weavers/dyers of Indonesia. The dye bath produces variety of red and brown shades, depending on how long the yarns are soaked and in the dye bath and the length of processes being performed.

Based on our encounters with weavers and dyers in many regions of Indonesia, the shades achieved by using morinda roots varies from the color of pink, light orange, soft brown, or deep dark maroony red. Each weavers uses slightly different recipes and the way the dye, determined the final color of the yarns.

It is an amazing material to work on and so wonderful to see such beautiful textiles colored using just 100% natural dye plants.

Our sincere gratitude to Mr @Kornelis Ndapakamang of Praikundu Weaving Gllery, Mr @Ryand Remidau of @Galeri Tenun Ikat Kanatang, Mr & Mrs Freddy Hambuwali of Morinda Hotel, Umbu Roman of Kerajaan Melolo, who has helped us to make this video possible. We are truly proud of their amazing devotion to preserving the production of traditional Sumba Ikat and the preservation of culture along the way.

For those of you who wish to travel to Sumba, come travel to us and explore Indonesian weaving and traditional natural dyeing processes., the “locals” way. See you in Indonesia.

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